Monday, July 11, 2011

Go Rascals!

A few weeks ago we took Mason to the Rascals game- a local baseball team. We aren't sure he is ready to go to a cards game, so we started small by taking him to a game where we sat in the lawn, ate, and he and Maggie could chase each other around. Thanks Courtney, Brian, Maggie, and Emma for joining us!!!

Hotdog and popcorn...perfect combination!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

Our Memorial Day Weekend plans were to spend a nice long weekend at Table Rock Lake with friends....but mother nature had other ideas! The lake was at a record high so we decided to wait and go later in the summer. Instead, Mason and I visited the Transportation Museum with my mom one day, went to a park and had a picnic lunch and played with friends, then on Saturday visited Grant's Farm! We finished out the weekend visiting with the Hall's, meeting baby HUDSON and a BBQ at the Carson's! It was a long, fun-filled weekend!

Tired baby!

Lunch at Grant's Farm with friends

Feeding the goats

Planting a flower to bring home at the "creation station"

All Aboard!

Mason LOVES trains and was excited to take a ride!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

2 Year Pictures

Kelly and I headed to a nearby playground and did a quick photo shoot! He did really helped I bribed him with smarties and brought the HUGE lollipop as a prop for the pictures! It is crazy looking back at his 1 year pictures how much he has grown into a little boy, we are so lucky to have this cute, crazy, and sometimes wild kiddo in our lives. What did we do before him? Our days aren't without melt downs, the word "mine", and tears (sometimes mine)...but for every challenge he throws me I get random hugs and kisses, watching him get excited when he masters something new, and lots of laughs!

All Boy

A couple weeks ago we took advantage of the nice weather and played outside while Erick cleaned out the garage. Mason quickly turned the small area by the porch into a construction is so fun watching him use his imagination!

Monday, March 7, 2011

February Fun

Last month we spent cold days inside playing trains, making Valentines for family and breakfast fruit smoothies! Erick spent 4 days in Park City Utah skiing for work! Mason and I kept busy by baking a Valentines cake for him, had a pizza party and movie night, and did crafts.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Whittle Shortline Railroad

Today our playgroup had a fun meeting at this train museum, it's free and the kids get to play on several different train tables that are set up. In the past few weeks Mason has expressed an interest in trains, so Erick took him to a train show last week and bought him his first track and a few trains...he LOVES it! Currently it is set up on our ottoman in the family room, but soon will be moved to his room once we get a table. Today he was in heaven with all the different trains to play with, bridges to go over and through, and of course friends to play with. This will be a place Mason and I will go back to soon, and bring Daddy!

After this outing we went to get Mason's haircut. He did amazing, I was shocked! He sat perfectly still and watched the lady in the mirror. I am not sure why I had doubt he wouldn't do well, he really is growing up so fast!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Things you do on a snow day......

It has been cold with snow and ice here! The past two days we have had lots of movies, hot chocolate, and fires. Mason thinks there is nothing better than going out to play......

Followed by baking some cupcakes (with supervision of course)