Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Night

We spent Christmas night at the Todd's. Thanks Grandma Bev and Grandpa Jim for all of Mason's wonderful gifts! He will have fun with all his new toys and look great in his new clothes! Thanks also to all of our extended family for the gifts, we are so blessed!

Kensey with all of her presents!

Christmas Eve/Christmas Morning

Christmas Eve we celebrated with my family at my sister's house. The boys had so much fun playing and opening presents. I love watching Mason trying to keep up with his cousins!

Erick made Mason this horse! We had a hard time getting him to come off the horse to open other presents.

Papa and Mason

Opening gifts Christmas Eve!

Gigi, Mason, and Landon

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Here are a few random pictures from the past couple of days. We have been busy getting ready for Christmas, we finally finished shopping and now just need to wrap the gifts. Mason's bottom 2 teeth are in now! He has a doctor's appointment Wednesday so we will see how much he weighs! He is growing up so fast.

Mason taking a water break

Helping Mom sweep the floors (don't mind all the Gunner hair in the vacuum!)

We have been baking!

And he loves to help clean up afterwards

Looking out the window the morning after the first snow

Friday, December 11, 2009

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

Our tree is trimmed and stockings are hung from the chimney! Our house is starting to feel like the holidays! Now if we could just finish all our Christmas shopping!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Mason Meets Santa

This morning I brought Mason to a Parents As Teachers "Winter Wonderland" event in Wentzville. I was excited to get a picture of Mason meeting Santa, and a little nervous about how their first encounter would go. I think the pictures say it all........

Mason enjoyed playing in the "snow" they had set up.

At first all Mason wanted to do was tug on Santa's beard!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Gobble, Gobble!

Here are a few pictures from yesterday at Bev and Jim's house. Our Thanksgiving was especially great because Mason was here this year with us! We had a fun day with family and friends and yummy food!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Waking up from a nap...

I walked into Mason's room this morning after nap to find him like this! How did this happen??! He is getting so big, we can't even keep up with this kiddo! Time to lower the crib again.....

Friday, November 6, 2009

Another Beautiful Day

The past few days have been awesome! A nice change from all the rain we have gotten. Mason and I took advantage of the weather and went to the park Wednesday afternoon and did a play date Friday morning. Nothing beats spending a day outside with my little guy!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Love These Boys

My two favorite guys! Mason and Daddy hanging out watching football. Mason is so lucky to have such a great DAD!


Mason enjoyed his first Halloween! We went to Megan and AJ's to see the girls dressed up, then headed home to pass out candy!

Good times with The Hall's!

Meaghan, Greer, and Ford came to St. Louis for another visit! As usual we had a blast hanging out with them. Can't believe how cute Ford is! Hopefully Ford and Mason will be best of friends just like their mommies! Love you guys!