Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Eagle Fork Farms

Mason and I went with our play group to Eagle Fork Farms Pumpkin Patch. It was a nice little farm with lots of fun things for kiddos to do! We took a hay ride, then went over to the play area where there was tractor racing, crawling through tunnels, and playing in corn kernels. Normally they have pony rides and a bounce house but those were not running today-but based on our last pony experience, Mason wouldn't have taken a ride anyway. It was a perfect way to spend a fall morning with friends!

It's always hard getting everyone for a group picture

Mason's first hayride-he looks nervous

Where he spent most of the morning

So big! Where has the past 19 months gone?!?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

All Dressed Up

Erick's brother, Jim, got married September 24th. Mason was a ring bearer...he wore a tux...he pretty much melted my heart! Seriously the cutest thing ever, right down to the little black shoes (thanks Marci!), and he walked down with the flower girls and did a terrific job.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Playing catch up...

Things have been crazy around here so this post is a summary of the past couple months. Summer has ended with fruit, ice cream, learning how to master using a fork at meal times and starting "school". He LOVES the mothers day out program and has such a good time. They do crafts, go to chapel, play outside-all the fun things kids love to do. So I am pretty happy that he is so happy at his school:)

Ryan and Mason enjoying ice cream for Marci's birthday

Mason goes to school

Having some fun at the park

1st visit to Monkey Joes: it was a HIT!

Helping Mommy with a Sunday morning pancake breakfast. Mason has been helping a lot in the kitchen, when I cook I try to give him something to do so he can help too. I can tell this makes him feel sooo big! Hope this interest sticks around as he gets older!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Sorry for lack of posts, summer is in full swing and we have been busy! Our computer crashed a few weeks ago, then we had wedding showers to plan, out of town travel, and so much more going on! I have had no time to download pictures or keep up with the blog.

Here are a few pictures from today. Mason participated in Little Gym all summer and LOVED it! It was money well spent, I got to meet other moms and Mason got to run, jump, swing, and climb on everything in sight without me scared he was going to get hurt. For those that didn't know...I am a little of a nervous nelly:) I looked forward to our classes, Mason ran like a wild man around the room with a smile from ear to ear and I found myself smiling a lot just watching him get so much joy out of playing and exploring.

A few skills he perfected were playing well with other kids, forward roll, backward roll, walk on the balance beam, hang from the bars and swing, and fun new songs we can sing at home. Mason and I were both sad today, he is going to miss his new friends and I will miss the long naps he took on Tuesday afternoons. I could always count on The Little Gym to wear him out!

In a couple weeks Mason starts Mother's Day Out at a local church. He will go on Tuesday and Thursdays. I am really excited for him, but really anxious about him being away (and not just at Grandma Bev's or Aunt Kelly's). I know after a few weeks he will get into a routine and benefit from all the fun activities they have planned and new faces to see.

Most of the group (a few sat out due to kids crying)

Showing off on the balance beam

Our wild child

Swinging away!

Mommy helping out with a forward roll

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Indian Camp Creek

This morning Mason and I met Kelly and the boys at the creek to help catch crawdads, splash around, and explore. It is so neat to watch Mason learn from his older cousins! We will be returning soon and taking Daddy with us!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to my awesome Dad and to my husband who is such a great Dad to Mason! Hope you enjoyed your day yesterday and thanks for being the best role model for our son. We are so lucky to have you!

Girls Night Out

Saturday night Dawn, Ali, and I went to see Tim McGraw...and had the best time ever!!! Dawn's awesome husband surprised her with 3 tickets and I was lucky enough to be invited! We started the night on Main Street with a yummy dinner and a bottle of wine, then headed over to Verizon where there was lots of laughing, singing, and dancing. The weather was great and Tim did an amazing performance.

Thanks Dawn for the tickets and thanks girls for such a fun night out.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Fun Sunday with Friends

The Meyerott and Murchison family came over for swimming and a Mexican fiesta on Sunday. We spent the afternoon playing in the backyard with the sprinkler beach ball, then headed to the pool. Times have sure took us 30 minutes just to get everyone ready and sun screened up to go! After the pool our neighborhood was having a block party with popcorn, snow cones, cotton candy, and lots of music. We made a quick stop there and then went back to the house for chicken enchiladas and yummy margaritas!

Wagon ride to the pool

Mason did more snacking than swimming

Trying his first snow cone