Wednesday, March 9, 2011

2 Year Pictures

Kelly and I headed to a nearby playground and did a quick photo shoot! He did really helped I bribed him with smarties and brought the HUGE lollipop as a prop for the pictures! It is crazy looking back at his 1 year pictures how much he has grown into a little boy, we are so lucky to have this cute, crazy, and sometimes wild kiddo in our lives. What did we do before him? Our days aren't without melt downs, the word "mine", and tears (sometimes mine)...but for every challenge he throws me I get random hugs and kisses, watching him get excited when he masters something new, and lots of laughs!

All Boy

A couple weeks ago we took advantage of the nice weather and played outside while Erick cleaned out the garage. Mason quickly turned the small area by the porch into a construction is so fun watching him use his imagination!

Monday, March 7, 2011

February Fun

Last month we spent cold days inside playing trains, making Valentines for family and breakfast fruit smoothies! Erick spent 4 days in Park City Utah skiing for work! Mason and I kept busy by baking a Valentines cake for him, had a pizza party and movie night, and did crafts.