Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Aunt Kelly's Easter Party

Mason's Aunt Kelly had an Easter Party today for Landon and his friends. Mason and I were lucky enough to be on the guest list. She had an egg hunt, a chick pinata, and yummy treats for the kids! Mason had a great time hunting, eating, and playing with all these boys. Thanks Aunt Kelly!

The Gang

He got a few eggs in the bucket!

Running to get eggs...well really just running around!

Enjoying a snack: an ice cream cone filled with strawberries,bananas, and a little cool whip!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Weekend Recap

Overall our weekend was pretty relaxing. Friday night we hung out at home. Mason played then we read and he went down for the night. Saturday we spent the early afternoon celebrating with Colt Carson at his 1st birthday party! Mason had a great time playing with all his friends (and new toys at the Carson's)!

Saturday evening we headed to the mall to buy Mason a new pair of tennis shoes. He is walking every where now and the other tennies were getting snug so Erick and I took him to Stride Rite to get measured so we could find out exactly how big his feet are! We were WAY off...I thought he was a size 2, turns out big boy is a 4.5!!! Now he is walking comfortably around town thanks to his new "kicks"! Erick thought it would be fun for Mason to "pick out" his new shoes...that didn't go so well. Let's just say lots of shoes + busy hands = major clean up! Mommy and daddy took over from there. After that we stopped for sushi and then went to Jimmy and Missy's new house to get the tour. Their new house is great!

Today Erick did yard work to get ready for spring/summer while Mason, Gunner, and I took a nice long walk and played outside. After a yummy dinner we are getting ready for bed and the new week! Mason is getting Easter pictures taken this Tuesday, so I will be back with those!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

After the parade...

Everyone dropped the kiddos off and headed to McGurks for some Irish food, fun, and adult beverages! I have not laughed so hard in a long time, we have such awesome friends!

Cottleville St. Patrick's Day Parade

This was our first year attending the parade, we heard great reviews from people that went last year so we were pretty excited! The weather was cloudy and it was cold! Not the weather we were hoping for. But we bundled up and went anyway...and I am so glad we did! Mason at first did pretty well...things turned ugly the last 45 minutes. He was cold, tired, and hungry. We still had a great time hanging out with our friends and getting all the kids together, which is always entertaining!! Let's hope next year for better weather!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

More Birthday Pictures

Mason getting ready to dig into his cake

Love this picture

Opening his wonderful gifts

The last picture of the day...we were all exhausted!

Mason's Carnival Birthday Party

This is the first post of pictures, my sister, Kelly, will be sending me more. Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate with us and for all the wonderful gifts. Mason had a great time!

Lesley, Ellie, Courtney, Maggie, and Emma

Swisher girls playing a game of bulls eye!

Mason having some fun with his balloons

Meyerott Family in the picture banner

Mason not liking his clown nose that mommy put on him

Dessert table

Erick, Mason, BJ and Erica

Gigi helping Mason play in the "duck pond"

Aunt Megan made these fun cakes for Mason

Special Mason cupcakes (thanks Kelly for helping me with these toppers!)

Sunday morning eating a birthday breakfast of oatmeal and pears! Mason was up bright and early...he must have been excited for his big day!