Sunday, March 7, 2010

Mason's Carnival Birthday Party

This is the first post of pictures, my sister, Kelly, will be sending me more. Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate with us and for all the wonderful gifts. Mason had a great time!

Lesley, Ellie, Courtney, Maggie, and Emma

Swisher girls playing a game of bulls eye!

Mason having some fun with his balloons

Meyerott Family in the picture banner

Mason not liking his clown nose that mommy put on him

Dessert table

Erick, Mason, BJ and Erica

Gigi helping Mason play in the "duck pond"

Aunt Megan made these fun cakes for Mason

Special Mason cupcakes (thanks Kelly for helping me with these toppers!)

Sunday morning eating a birthday breakfast of oatmeal and pears! Mason was up bright and early...he must have been excited for his big day!

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