Tuesday, May 11, 2010

May 11 2010

We have been busy! I have not had a spare minute to download pictures or a new post. So this post is a combination of a few things. First, Erick took off Thursday and Friday of last week and we had so much fun with him and were spoiled having him home for 4 days. Mason and I were very sad Monday morning when Erick had to go back to work. On Friday we went to Erick's job site at Wash U and he gave us a tour of the building...incredible! I love that this building will be around forever and when Mason gets older he will be able to say his Dad helped build this amazing structure for Wash U. I hear a lot about the "job" when Erick gets home in the evenings, but stories didn't do the project justice until I was able to walk through it and realize the amount of hard work that really went into the facility! Walking through and hearing Erick talk I found myself saying a quick prayer that Mason takes after his Dad and is as smart and hard working.

Afterwards we headed to the zoo for the afternoon. I was pretty excited to take Mason again, last visit he was about 3 months old and slept the entire time. We are trying to teach him animal sounds so it was fun showing him different animals and telling him what they say. The zoo was CROWDED and so my original plan to take Mason on the train was bumped after a 25 minute wait and we still didn't make it to the front of the line. We will try again next time.

Mothers Day we went to church and breakfast with my parents and then ate an early dinner with Erick's family. In between that we went for a walk and played outside with Mason...it was perfect! I am very thankful for my own Mom and to Mason for making me a Mom!

The train we didn't take...the line was horrible!

End of the day and Mason was almost asleep in this picture

This was taken a couple weeks ago on the patio

1 comment:

  1. So special to see exactly what Erick does! We would love to see the building also! Miss you guys!
