Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Summer Is Here

And with it brings heat, cookouts, lots of fresh produce, playing barefoot outside after dinner, and fun activities do with friends! Last Saturday we had a great time at the Carson's, there were lots of little ones running, jumping, and sliding and the adults had a great time catching up and eating good food! It is always fun to spend an evening with good friends. We visited the produce stand near us on Saturday morning and stocked up on our fruits and veggies. Mason wanted to "sample" as we shopped...it is hard for him to understand we have to purchase these items first and the we can eat. Speaking of sampling, I took my nephew, Landon, and Mason to Lake View Farm in St. Peters for a play date with other moms to go strawberry picking. Mason and Landon (along with all the other kiddos there) did more sampling instead of picking. Mason put the entire strawberry, stem and all, into his mouth. I was cracking up because he was grabbing at the strawberries by the handful and shoving them into his mouth! Probably trying to get as many as he could before mommy put a stop to it. I offered to pay the farmer for all that Landon and Mason ate, but they refused my money.

It has been HOT here! I can't wait for our pool to open so I can take M up there to cool off in the afternoons. This weekend we are heading out of town for Table Rock Lake. I am very excited for the get away and hope we have good boating weather! I should have lots of cute pictures to post next week from our mini vacation.

We are looking forward to a great summer with family and friends!

Enjoying on of our purchases from the produce stand

Mason helping himself to a strawberry..or two..or three..

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